Monday, December 23, 2013

santa star!

merry christmas!
so santa is on msp and he is giving out friendly gifts! get ur gifts before they end it!


i been getting hacked so i havent been able to get on srry

Monday, September 16, 2013

been busy

srry i havent been blogging but i am starting back up!

Thursday, June 27, 2013

why is pumpchkin so cool and stuff (read below)

she is like queen of msp or something and she thinks she is like the best ever and most of you love her and you don't know her in realz

alert alert!

pumpchkin and donnie c broke up! (i know it was a long time ago) i remeber the first day they were broke up everyone was going insane for no reason. lol ppl are so pumpchkin fans. (or what i say lovers)

creeper alert

theres this gurl named: marahatesu
she is super mean!  so u knw she didnt bullyed me she bullyed my friend miamiamia55 and she got hacked by that girl too! so you know i only know because i didn't see her on for a week and she is online all a time so then i went to go see if she was on my friends list and she wasnt then i looked her up and she didnt pop up!

msp changes

now in the backround there are burgers in the backround

msp info book

hey mspers! i need help! i am making a book for myself about hackers and i need info on them so comment! help wanted!

Friday, May 31, 2013

im on youtube!

hey im on youtube and watch my videos! heres my channels link
sub me plz and comment on my wall if you saw this!

Friday, May 17, 2013

rocklilly and ladyrachel2

we are bffs and she is so nice and friendly and here are pic of me and her

Monday, May 6, 2013

how to get up in the chatroom your in on msp!!!!!!!!!!!

hold down on your username that you have on the bottom of your user and at the same time hold down space bottom then drag it to the friends online bar and it should work. btw it might not work the first time.

Saturday, April 27, 2013

pumpchkin and anonymous

why does anonymous is in pumpchkin room so much????

why??? do they know each other? are they both hackers??

its crazy.

thanks for viewing

Thursday, April 25, 2013

anonymous tips

 go to this link:


5 tips for not to be hack:

  1. do not accept her friend request
  2. leave if you spotted her anywhere
  3. do not go in to a place like 3234243 those places
  4. don't look her up (anybody who looks her up get HACK)
  5.  DO NOT TALK TO HER (this is the biggest tip of all)
thank you! (and be careful)

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

the real pumpchkin.

pump is trying to take over all NON-VIPS and wants msp to be called pump planet. please report her.


I am new to bloging but going to do my best. Check this alot